Since in WordPress you cannot pass directly a parameter into the callback function called by the add_submenu_page, I have figured out another simple way to do it.
My problem was to pass a simple parameter into a sub-menu page, something like:
You cannot pass value into the callback function, so you CAN’T do this:
add_submenu_page(parent_slug, page_title2, menu_title2, capability, my-sub-menu2, myfunction1(
) );
I’ve tried also a secondary function with a wp_redirect, but was not working because headers were alreay set.
Instead I found this solution:
add_submenu_page( parent_slug, page_title, menu_title, capability, my-sub-menu1, myfunction1 );
add_submenu_page(parent_slug, page_title2, menu_title2, capability, my-sub-menu2, myfunction2 );
function myfunction1() {
// Do something
}function myfunction2() {
$_REQUEST[‘parameter’] = “value”;
myfunction1(); // Call the original function, but with your parameter set.
You just call a secondary function, set the $_REQUEST[‘parameter’] and then call the original function. That’s all !