Orion42 ~IT made easy~

Giving feedback, alpha testing and solving common problems with out of the box and lateral thinking

[Matlab] How to quickly clean the workspace

How many times did it happen to you to close all the open window, remove the variable in the workspace and then clear the screen to start all over again from scratch? If this is the case, then just a…

[Matlab] – An ode45 script for a PID system with disturbances

This present a Matlab script to model a Proportional-Integrative-Derivative (PID) controller in which also a disturbance is present.

[C++] Count how many even and odd numbers there are in a sequence

Today we learn how to count how many even and odd numbers there are in a sequence of integers. Like any problem, many solutions exist and here we analyse just one among many possible ones. This is the complete code:…

[Git] How to rebase last commit to a different branch with cherry-pick

In git is possible to rebase the last commit of Branch B onto Branch A and rollback Branch Bone commit using the cherry-pick instruction. Initial state: — — — —    (Branch-A) \ — XX      (Branch-B) Final state:…

How to Uninstall Windows 10’s Built-in Apps for all users

It is possible to uninstall Win10 preinstalled (built-in) via powershell in admin mode. The generic command  to remove APP_NAME is: get-appxpackage -allusers APP_NAME| remove-appxpackage To remove the app only for the current user remove the srting “‘allusers”. Credits: A deeper…

Fast Download of Samsung Firmware

Have you struggled to find a site where to fast download firmware for your Samsung device? I did.  I found a lot of websites where you either paid a fee or subscription or you download at max 40-50 Kb/s. Finally,…

[Matlab] Multiple instance of Matlab when opening .m files

If you have a new instance of matlab opening each time you open a new file you can check these page for a lot of differente ways of fixing it. On the official site: “Why is a new instance of…

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